Quality Assurance
Quality Statement
Afrovas is a client focused outfit, which endeavours to be a leading business organisation in the field of market research data collection, satisfying its clients with on-time high quality delivery of data and reports based on authenticated data collected by its Field Operations teams and subsequently processed by its Data Processing arm.
The data collection process at Afrovas is based on processes that ensure that we speak to the right Respondents, in the right manner, and collect authentic and valid consumer responses. There are checks and balances in place at every stage of the data collection and data processing process so as to identify and isolate any human errors. Any non-conformity are addressed as per laid out procedures, with the aim to provide the highest quality data to the Client Service team, based on which they can deliver actionable insights to clients.
All details related to fieldwork and data processing are properly documented and preserved as per the relevant ESOMAR standards. Afrovas has a trained and qualified Management Representatives who head the internal team of professionally trained Internal Quality Field managers and Auditors.
Afrovas’ vision and mission statements drive business success by motivating and providing clear direction to employees, and ensuring that we work ethically with external suppliers as well as clients, resulting in to high customer satisfaction and retention.
Afrovas conducts its research based on utmost confidence for its customers and the reports are not made available to third parties without their express authority and consent and are stored securely in a proper and safe manner. Afrovas functions based on the framework of legal requirements of the countries in which it operates. Afrovas also aims to reduce its environmental footprint to make it a sustainable growing organization.
Afrovas has strict internal quality audits which are done minimum 2 times a year. In case of major non-conformities further investigation is conducted via root cause analysis to ensure that the issue is permanently resolved. Afrovas aims to have as few customer complaints as possible and in case any disputes do arise, they are resolved in the best interests of both the parties and with the commitment to quality and fair business practices.
Afrovas initiates a program of continuous improvement in its key processes which are evidenced in its objectives and targets which are monitored and reviewed on monthly basis and carried out by its peoples under the guidance of the Top Management.
Sustainable Policy
The Afrovas Research House, hereby make our sustainable policy for the year 2017-18 in which we believe that our firm can and will make a positive contribution to the society and the environment by managing our activities with care and working towards making and promoting the social and environment causes.
In all our relationship we will be open, honest and transparent and we will not pay or receive any bribes or inducements of any kind. We will select and promote our people on the basis of qualifications and merit and without discrimination or concern for their race, religion, nationality, color, sex or disability.
We will support our people with adequate training and career development path and shall provide a safe and a civilised workplace free from sexual harassment or offensive behavior. We will comply with all the applicable regulations and self-regulating code of practice in all our countries of operations and not offend by our words or actions any general public, minority or any sections of the society or individual.
We will use minimum of our scarce resources namely energy, oil, fuel, water and paper and shall make quantitative targets to reduce the key environment impacts. Further, Afrovas Research will respect the national and international laws and operate in a manner that we shall have a high standard of honesty and integrity. We will treat all the information relating to our business and that of our client’s as confidential and we will not use it for our personal gains.